Monday, July 21, 2014

All By Myself

All By Myself…

This week was my second week of training with Elite Nutrition and Performance, and the first time I exercised and made my meals without in-person assistance from Sam and Kristen. Because I spent the week in Hartsville, I was away from ENP for eight days and had to follow meal and exercise plans they gave me before I left.

Although it was difficult to adhere to the plans with all of the options available at restaurants and the sparse exercise equipment at the hotel, I tried my best to make the majority of my meals in my room and go to the hotel gym as much as possible. I even got pretty creative with my meals, which were prepared daily with a microwave and plastic cutlery (thanks Pinterest). And, thanks to my mom, who was there with me the whole week and has decided to change her eating habits with me, I didn't deviate too much from the plans Sam and Kristen gave me. I'm looking forward to returning to ENP and getting back to my normal schedule this week!

Here's a post-workout picture of my mom and me at the hotel gym:

And here's a picture of me at the pageant preliminary just a few hours later:

It's all about the grit and the glamour!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Week One with Elite Nutrition and Performance

Last week, after submitting my Athlete Sponsorship Application to Elite Nutrition and Performance, I had a feeling I would get a polite "thanks, but no thanks" email in reply to my application. I exercise regularly and try to stay as healthy as possible, but "athlete" isn't the first word that comes to mind when I describe myself. However, I decided to apply because I knew I could learn a lot from the professionals at ENP and wanted to learn how to live a healthier life.

So, when I got a congratulatory email from Elite Nutrition and Performance on July 1st, I was pretty excited.

After I recovered from the excitement of learning that I had become ENP's newest sponsored athlete, I began to think about all that the sponsorship would involve. I will be working with Kristen and Sam at ENP for three months, attending five one-hour personal training sessions and one nutrition consultation per week for the next twelve weeks. I knew that changing my eating habits and exercise schedule would improve my lifestyle, but I did have some reservations about making the changes and sticking to them.

At my first nutrition consultation appointment with Kristen, food was on my mind, and I had a lot of questions about it. I wanted to know what I could eat, when I could eat it, and how I could prepare it in a healthier way. 

Kristen analyzed my height, weight, body fat, activity level, etc. during the meeting and used the information to determine how many calories and macronutrients I needed in my diet. To my surprise, Kristen told me I was not eating enough throughout the day, and although I always tried to make healthy choices, she told me that some foods in my diet are not as healthy as I thought they were. She increased the calories in my diet and gave me a sample diet that listed suggested foods I should eat throughout the day. The session was both helpful and interesting, and I left with a positive attitude and plenty of new ideas for my diet changes.

The first few days of my new diet were a little difficult, as I was not used to eating as often as Kristen advised. Some days, I thought I was eating too much and felt a little like Violet Beauregard during her blueberry mishap…

However, as my body became more accustomed to my new dietary schedule, I began to notice that I had more energy and could exercise without feeling like I had "bottomed out" during my workout. I could tell that my body was using my food for fuel and felt like I was working more efficiently. So far, although the changes have been challenging at times, I can feel the positive results, which is very encouraging.

This week was also my first week of personal training sessions with Sam. When I had my initial meeting with Sam after I received my Sponsorship acceptance email, he told me that the sessions would be pretty difficult, especially during the first few days. So far, each session has been challenging, but I try to maintain a positive attitude and put my best effort into each workout.

That being said, sometimes when Sam tells me the workout plan for the day, it can seem a little daunting, especially for someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with weight-related workouts.

And sometimes, I don't exactly feel like a pro when I try a new exercise…

There have definitely been a few clumsy moments during the workouts…

 But I know that with a little more practice, I will improve (and look a little more coordinated) as I gain more experience with my new training plan.

 So far, my experience with Kristen and Sam at ENP has been very positive. Stay tuned as my journey as a sponsored athlete continues!

Monday, July 7, 2014


Here's a little inspiration for my 3-month journey with Elite Nutrition and Performance!