Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Food is not the Enemy

Food is not the Enemy

Whenever I attend a pageant or even spend time around pageant competitors, I inevitably hear phrases like "I need to start dieting to lose weight for this pageant," or "I haven't eaten all day so I look good onstage." These phrases, although commonplace in the pageant world, are disappointing to hear because somewhere along that young woman's journey competing in pageants, someone taught her to make food her enemy for the sake of a slimmer appearance. When young women speak of extreme diet plans or make disparaging remarks about their bodies, what should be a fun, empowering experience for them takes a dark turn because they feel pressure to change their eating habits in an unhealthy way to increase their chances of winning a coveted title.

What I wish I could tell all of those women, and what I do tell anyone who asks, is that food is not the enemy. Food is fuel for the body, and should be treated as such. Without proper nutrition and fueling, the human body cannot properly function and overall health is compromised, sometimes in an irreversible way. Food becomes even more important when weight loss is the goal because clean, consistent eating, rather than erratic, unhealthy dieting, is the key to lasting results.

What I also want to communicate to young women struggling with dieting, especially those who compete in pageants, is that the ideal "skinny" appearance is not always healthy. Being strong and healthy is so much more important than reaching a certain number on the scale. Everyone's body is different, and as long as you are healthy, strong, and confident, you will shine onstage, regardless of what the scale says. Don't make food your enemy or risk your health to obtain your desired appearance.

So, next time you are preparing for a pageant, remember that food is fuel that is vital to your success and overall health. Also remember that a strong, healthy body is so much better than an underfed, unhealthy one. Above all, if you are confident in yourself and appreciate your body, you will not only feel your best, but you will also look your best onstage.

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