Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Staying Fit while Traveling: How to Navigate a Menu

How to Navigate a Menu

Frequent travel often goes hand in hand with partaking in restaurant cuisine. Whether you choose a restaurant for convenience or a special occasion while abroad, it is important to understand how to successfully navigate a restaurant menu. Particularly in Italy, where a variety of carbohydrate-filled meals dominate the menus and are typically the most cost-effective options, it is important to continue to eat a mindful and balanced diet. However, it can be difficult to navigate and understand restaurant menus, especially in a foreign country.

Upon entering a restaurant and perusing its menu offerings, there are several key phrases to look for. 

Here are some examples of phrases to avoid when selecting an item from the menu:

Anything fried

Frying adds a significant amount of unnecessary and unhealthy caloric value to the food item. Watch out in particular for fried meats and potatoes!

Anything that is served in a cream or cheese sauce

Think of it this way, cream sauce translates to "this food will clog your arteries," and no one wants that. Cream-based sauces are often prepared with fat-filled dairy and cheeses. They are also filled with sneaky extra calories and unwanted fats.

Anything that is primarily composed of simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates can be found in many restaurant desserts, pasta dishes, and pizzas. Foods that are primarily composed of simple carbohydrates are not balanced or good for your body. Although carbohydrates are an essential part of the diet and by no means should be completely removed from your diet, an excess of simple carbohydrates can lead to bloating and faster weight gain.

In contrast, here are some key phrases to look for when choosing a healthy, balanced menu option:

Tomato-based or light sauces (garlic, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon)

These sauces contain significantly less calories and are also typically fresher and more nutrient-rich than their creamy counterparts. If you choose a pasta dish or other sauce-based option, opt for these lighter sauce choices to feel satisfied without the extra empty calories and fats.

Anything that is prepared by grilling, oven-baking, or pan-searing

This method of preparation requires much less oil to cook the food than frying. It also allows for the true flavor of the food to be enjoyed. Also keep in mind that spices and fresh herbs are great ways to season grilled or baked dishes without packing in extra calories.

Balanced menu items that contain a healthy mix of vegetables, carbohydrates, and protein

Although sometimes hard to find, these dishes are ideal for the restaurant diner. They incorporate all major macronutrient groups and include healthy and nutritious items to keep you energized throughout your day of travel.

Fresh fruit rather than decadent sweets

Craving something sweet after a meal or as a snack? Many countries, especially Italy, offer some of the freshest and most delicious produce in the world. Take advantage of the fresh (and inexpensive!) produce available to you and cure your cravings by choosing fresh fruit. While in Italy, I have eaten some of the best oranges, kiwi, and pineapple I've ever had! Trust me, your body (and waistline) will thank you for it!

While traveling, there are many ways to enjoy the cuisine offered without abandoning your healthy lifestyle. With mindful choices and balanced eating, it is very possible to stay healthy while abroad! Stay tuned for more weekly blog posts on how to stay healthy while traveling!

In the meantime...get moving! Here is a link to a fun and effective full-body workout from Fitnessblender that doesn't require any equipment or much space! Happy exercising!

Fitnessblender- Kelli's Favorite Total Body Toning

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