Saturday, May 23, 2015

You Are What You Eat

Today, I came across this picture online:

The picture caught my attention because growing up, I always heard the saying "you are what you eat," but I never quite understood what it meant. When I saw this photo today, the meaning of this phrase became very clear to me. Your overall health is a reflection of your eating habits. If the majority of your diet consists of fast, cheap, easy meals with highly processed foods and low nutrient density, your body will suffer the consequences of the poor quality of your diet. In contrast, if you eat pure, high-quality, nutritious foods, you will begin to see and feel positive changes in your health.

With that being said, eating healthy 100% of the time is easier said than done in the fast-paced, busy lives we all lead. However, the journey to healthy living and healthy eating begins with just one small step in the right direction. If you gradually improve your diet with small changes and continue to change your lifestyle one step at a time, it is easy to transform good habits into long-term lifestyle changes. Although the occasional "slip-up" or "cheat day" is inevitable (and perfectly fine in moderation), clean eating will improve your overall health and well-being.

I don't know about you, but if you truly are what you eat, I'd rather be pure, healthy, and wholesome than cheap, easy, and fake!

Check out this easy guide for simple food swaps that can improve your diet and jumpstart your journey to better health!


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