Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Lunch Box

The Lunch Box

When I first started my journey with ENP, I struggled with finding ways to keep food available throughout the day for my morning snack, afternoon snack, and meals. I found that when I was away from the kitchen all day, I would miss important snacks simply because I didn't have the proper foods available to me on-the-go.

Enter The Lunch Box.

The Lunch Box became the solution to my problem. I began to pack The Lunch Box with various snacks and meals every morning and carry The Lunch Box around with me wherever I went. I became an expert at packing and storing food to keep it fresh throughout the day. Carrying The Lunch Box around relieved a great deal of stress associated with finding the right food to eat at the right time and kept me on track with my snacking and meals.

As beneficial as The Lunch Box (and still is) was to my busy lifestyle, I nonetheless encountered "lunch box haters" who thought it was amusing that a nineteen year old college student carries around a lunch box all day, every day.

Sure, it may be a little odd that I carry The Lunch Box wherever I go. But, it's convenient to have access to the food that I need throughout the day it and helps me feel healthier and more energetic. So, despite the "lunch box haters," I will continue to carry my lunch box with pride.

PS- I got my ENP Tank this week and I love it! Check it out:

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