Sunday, August 17, 2014

Recruitment is Fun!

Recruitment is Fun!

This week, I have been participating in my sorority's Spirit Week (a week of practice for formal sorority recruitment). My sisters and I have had plenty of time to bond every day, sunrise to sunset, over sorority cheers and team building exercises. This week has been a wonderful experience for my sisters and me. However, some challenges have arisen during Spirit Week and Recruitment with my diet and exercise plans.

Because Spirit Week has been an all-day commitment, I have been exercising with Kristen early in the morning before practice. This has been a little more challenging than I anticipated, since I typically finish my workout and go straight to practice for six to eight hours. This process sometimes feels like a day-long workout. However, thanks to the diet changes I've made during my time with ENP, I haven't felt nutritionally depleted, despite the demands of my Spirit Week and Recruitment schedule.

An unexpected positive aspect of my time with my sorority sisters during Spirit Week is the encouragement they give me to stick to my workouts and diet plan, despite any temptations to "cheat" on my workouts or meals. They have been reading my blog posts and following my journey this summer, and they want me to succeed in my endeavors. They have been nothing but supportive of my lifestyle changes throughout Spirit Week, which is very uplifting.

I still have one more week of Formal Recruitment, which will bring new challenges and successes. However, I am looking forward to receiving continued support from ENP and my sisters throughout the week.

Here's a picture of my sorority sisters on Bid Day last year! Love them so much!

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