Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Food is not the Enemy

Food is not the Enemy

Whenever I attend a pageant or even spend time around pageant competitors, I inevitably hear phrases like "I need to start dieting to lose weight for this pageant," or "I haven't eaten all day so I look good onstage." These phrases, although commonplace in the pageant world, are disappointing to hear because somewhere along that young woman's journey competing in pageants, someone taught her to make food her enemy for the sake of a slimmer appearance. When young women speak of extreme diet plans or make disparaging remarks about their bodies, what should be a fun, empowering experience for them takes a dark turn because they feel pressure to change their eating habits in an unhealthy way to increase their chances of winning a coveted title.

What I wish I could tell all of those women, and what I do tell anyone who asks, is that food is not the enemy. Food is fuel for the body, and should be treated as such. Without proper nutrition and fueling, the human body cannot properly function and overall health is compromised, sometimes in an irreversible way. Food becomes even more important when weight loss is the goal because clean, consistent eating, rather than erratic, unhealthy dieting, is the key to lasting results.

What I also want to communicate to young women struggling with dieting, especially those who compete in pageants, is that the ideal "skinny" appearance is not always healthy. Being strong and healthy is so much more important than reaching a certain number on the scale. Everyone's body is different, and as long as you are healthy, strong, and confident, you will shine onstage, regardless of what the scale says. Don't make food your enemy or risk your health to obtain your desired appearance.

So, next time you are preparing for a pageant, remember that food is fuel that is vital to your success and overall health. Also remember that a strong, healthy body is so much better than an underfed, unhealthy one. Above all, if you are confident in yourself and appreciate your body, you will not only feel your best, but you will also look your best onstage.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Eating Clean On-The-Go

How to Eat Clean On-The-Go

Now that summer is in full swing, my schedule has changed drastically from a class-work-home routine to a more varied, unpredictable routine. I have found that it can be very challenging to continue eating healthy, nutritious foods while commuting to my summer class, working, and preparing for a national pageant. For many families like mine who seem to only become busier in the summer with work, camps and activities, traveling, and more, it can be difficult to maintain a consistently healthy diet on-the-go. Although it is easy to drive through a fast food restaurant or run by a convenience store for a meal or quick snack on the go, regular consumption of these high calorie, low nutrient density foods will wreak havoc on your diet. With the skyrocketing heat and humidity of the upcoming summer months, it is more important than ever to make sure that you are properly fueling and hydrating your body every day.

Here are some tips for eating clean on-the-go:

Pack a lunch box with snacks and drinks, and take it wherever you go.

My little gray lunch box and I are best friends. We go everywhere together, every day. And although I am sometimes teased by my classmates and peers for being "the girl with the lunch box," I never need to stop at a restaurant or vending machine when I get hungry. Every morning, I pack my lunch box with snacks, water bottles, and meals (if I'll be gone all day). With my lunch box handy, I always have healthy foods within arm's reach if I get hungry throughout the day. The lunch box technique also helps me save money on extra food throughout the day.

Invest in a refillable water bottle. Introduce said water bottle to your lunch box, and take them both wherever you go.

This tip is especially important during the summer. If you don't already have one, purchase a sturdy, high-quality refillable water bottle and make sure to fill it several times per day to stay hydrated on-the-go. This will help you save money (water is usually free and disposable plastic water bottles definitely aren't) and reduce your carbon footprint (less plastic used=happy earth).

If you do go to a restaurant, make healthy, nutritious choices.

Whether you're on vacation or traveling around your hometown, it is important to choose healthy options when you eat out. Many restaurants, even quick service restaurants, offer healthier options that will fill you up without destroying your diet. Choose foods with fruits/vegetables, lean protein, and healthy carbohydrates to make a well-rounded meal that will help you properly refuel your body (helpful hint: if it's on the dollar menu, it probably isn't very nutritious).

Don't take a vacation from exercise.

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you should take a vacation from staying fit and healthy! If you're traveling or out of town, make sure to schedule time to exercise every day. Many hotels and resorts have great fitness facilities and can even offer suggestions on walking/running/biking/hiking options in the area, so there is no excuse for abstaining from exercise during your vacation. Even a few minutes of cardiovascular exercise or strength training will be beneficial to your health. And exercise gives you a great dose of endorphins, which will make you even more content while you're relaxing on vacation.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

You Are What You Eat

Today, I came across this picture online:

The picture caught my attention because growing up, I always heard the saying "you are what you eat," but I never quite understood what it meant. When I saw this photo today, the meaning of this phrase became very clear to me. Your overall health is a reflection of your eating habits. If the majority of your diet consists of fast, cheap, easy meals with highly processed foods and low nutrient density, your body will suffer the consequences of the poor quality of your diet. In contrast, if you eat pure, high-quality, nutritious foods, you will begin to see and feel positive changes in your health.

With that being said, eating healthy 100% of the time is easier said than done in the fast-paced, busy lives we all lead. However, the journey to healthy living and healthy eating begins with just one small step in the right direction. If you gradually improve your diet with small changes and continue to change your lifestyle one step at a time, it is easy to transform good habits into long-term lifestyle changes. Although the occasional "slip-up" or "cheat day" is inevitable (and perfectly fine in moderation), clean eating will improve your overall health and well-being.

I don't know about you, but if you truly are what you eat, I'd rather be pure, healthy, and wholesome than cheap, easy, and fake!

Check out this easy guide for simple food swaps that can improve your diet and jumpstart your journey to better health!

Source: http://www.nhs.uk/change4life/Pages/low-sugar-healthy-snacks.aspx

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Avoiding "Workout Negotiating"

My Top Five Favorite Workouts For the Workout Negotiator

Often when I go to the gym, I am guilty of being a "workout negotiator." I approach on a piece of cardio equipment, determined to meet a certain goal. Then, as soon as I start exercising, I immediately find myself internally negotiating, thinking maybe I don't need to complete my full time goal, and that maybe just fifteen, or ten, or even five minutes would suffice. I enjoy exercising, but monotonous workouts often make me lose interest quickly. Over time, I have searched for new workout plans or activities that keep me entertained while also helping me maintain the right level of intensity in my workout. Here are the top five workouts that keep me from negotiating my way out of exercising:

1. HIIT/Tobata Workouts
One of my favorite boredom-busting workouts is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT workouts involve short bursts of high-energy cardio or weight exercises with brief rest periods in between. These workouts allow you to incorporate a variety of different activities into one workout and keep you entertained while still providing a challenging workout plan. Another great thing about HIIT workouts is that they are customizable and allow you to choose the intensity level you want to exert in your exercises.

Here's an example of a short HIIT cardio workout plan:

2. TRX/Suspension Training

I started using the TRX suspension ropes during my workouts when I was training with Kristen and Micah at ENP, and I still enjoy using the TRX to change up my workouts. TRX training is a great way to build strength without using weights. There are also so many ways to use the TRX suspension ropes that it is easy to create a full-body strength workout using the TRX alone!

Here is a TRX workout plan that provides some helpful images for beginners:

3. Trade the Treadmill for an Outdoor Workout

An especially easy way to change up your workouts and make them more entertaining is moving your workouts outside! Now that it's spring and the weather is (usually) beautiful, it's a great time to incorporate outdoor workouts. Move your run from the treadmill to a running path outside, run the stairs of a nearby building, or even walk outside in the evenings to maintain your cardiovascular endurance in a more entertaining way!

Aren't these beautiful State House steps just asking you to come run them?

4. Partner Workouts

One of the best ways to avoid workout negotiating is to bring a workout buddy to the gym with you for accountability and motivation. Partner workouts are entertaining and fun, and even allow you to create some healthy competition with your workout partner. The only thing better than seeing results is sharing your progress with a friend!

If this doesn't build friendship, I don't know what does!

5. Group Exercise Classes

Participating in group exercise classes like Boot Camp, Yoga, and Spin Class helps you change up your workout routine and try new exercise styles. The instructor will help you stay motivated, and the group class environment will help you work hard throughout the class. GX classes are also a great way to try new exercises for free (group exercise classes are typically included with your gym membership).

Group exercise classes are a great way to stay motivated and avoid negotiation during your workout!